Adventures in Paver Sealing

EP #9: What sets your business (or businesses that you like) apart from the rest?

Jeff Evers

Do you own a business? Are there any restaurants or companies that you remain loyal to? What is it that sets them apart from the competitors? If you had to narrow it down to one single attribute that keeps you coming back again and again, what would it be?

For Paver Protectors, I believe our clients continue to hire us because of our people. In this episode, I give an example of how my people go above and beyond the call of duty as well as a well known restaurant. 


  • If you are a homeowner, I would love to hear about an experience you've had with a contractor that went above and beyond and what they did to make your experience with them, a pleasant one. What did they do that really set them apart?
  • If you own your own business or you work at a business, I'd love to hear about some of the things that you do to create memorable experiences for your customers.

Please email me at and let me know!


Welcome to the Adventures in Paver Sealing podcast, with your host, Jeff Evers of Paver Protectors. Thank you for tuning into the Adventures of Pavers Sealing podcast. I'm your host, Jeff Evers and today I wanted to talk about what makes the difference in your business or businesses that you like to frequent.

People often ask me "what sets us apart? What's the main ingredient in running a successful business?" And my answer is the people that I employ. I have absolute rock stars on my team and they are what makes the difference in my company. I worked very hard to surround myself with good people. And I have found that in most businesses, if you have the right people to give customer service and do the job right, people will come back. Don't get me wrong, it's very difficult to operate a business without quality people. If you read online reviews of most, any type of business, you will see these reviews either rave or complain about the treatment they got from people, whether it be employees or managers.

Very rarely if it's a restaurant, they may complain about the food. But for the most part, if you see negative reviews especially, it's because they had an interaction with a person that just left a sour taste in their mouth. Most reviews are generated by the customer's interaction with people working for that particular business, rather than the business itself.

How did the experience make the customer feel? People purchase items and return to businesses because of emotion. Did they feel good about the experience? If the answer is yes, then most likely they'll be back.

A prime example is Chick-fil-A. Have you ever been to a Chick-fil-A? If you have, you'll figure it out. They have nailed down. If you've ever been in a Chick-fil-A, you've probably heard things like, "how can I serve you today? It would be my pleasure. Thank you for dining with us today." And so on.

Chick-fil-A has company culture dialed in to where people always go back to Chick-fil-A and very rarely will you hear negative things said about Chick-fil-A because they're so eager to please their customers. This is not a script. It's a company culture that they've created. It makes the customer feel good about eating there and they want to return.

How many of you remember the theme song to the show Cheers? Remember the verse? "Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name...and they're always glad you came." This is true when it comes to people and businesses. Everybody wants to go where they're welcome and where they feel welcome. And possibly if you know their name that's even better.

This is what we strive to create with our clients. At Paver Protectors, we know that people buy with emotion. We want every client to feel good about doing business with us. And it all starts with good people. We look for someone who is a reliable team player, and people that are eager to exceed our client's expectations. The most important skill that they must have is listening. This is what we do. We listen to our clients.

A good example is...we did a pool deck for a customer and my technician called me concerned. And he said, "you know, we got a little bit of sealer on the tile of the pool. As we were sealing the coping a little bit of sealer got on there. I'm not really sure what to do." And the customer had called with concerns about that as well. Because I had an employee that was concerned and really wanted to exceed my customer's expectations, we actually now have a technique that we use at the end of every job. Every truck has a pool cleaning scrub pad, and we clean every tile at the end of every job. That was a result of listening to our customers and listening to my technician they had a concern about, "hey, I got a little bit of sealer on this tile. I don't know what I need to do to fix this."

So good things happen when you surround yourself with good quality people. That's just a prime example of one of our techniques that we apply as part of our process to make sure that that thing doesn't happen again. If you look at our reviews here at Paper Protectors, you'll see a lot of different comments other than the usual, "hey, the pavers look great. The crew was on time." Look at what they are actually saying. Numerous times, you will see clients mention the technicians by name and how professional they were. You'll hear the names. Troy, Brandon Flavio, Austin, Larry, Anna, and so on. These are the people that make the difference in our company and the company culture that we've created here at Paver Protectors.

If you are a homeowner, I would love to hear about an experience you've had with a contractor that went above and beyond and what they did to make your experience with them, a pleasant one. What did they do that really set them apart? I would love to hear anything that you have to give me as far as feedback, so that I'd like to share this on a future podcast.

If you own your own business or you work at a business, I'd love to hear about some of the things that you do to create memorable experiences for your customers. Hopefully if we get enough feedback, we can share these things on a future podcast and I think it'll be a good listen. Please email me your responses at and share your stories.

Again with our success, it all depends on the people that we hire. We're very strict on who we hire and our customers have very good experiences with us, cause we are eager to please and go above and beyond the call of duty. So thank you for tuning in. I look forward to hearing about your stories and we'll see you on the next one.

Thank you for listening to the Adventures in Paver Sealing podcast. To learn more about Paver Protectors, please visit or call (239) 288-0705.